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Prayer 'Jesus, I trust in You'




Jesus, because You are the same Love, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are the same Mercy, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are the same Goodness, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You became a man for me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You lived a poor life because of me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You died for me on the cross, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You saved me from hell, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You forgave me all my sins, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You forget the sins that you forgive me in Confession and you will never mention them to me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You love me with an infinite love, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are patient with me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You keep waiting for me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You provide me with everything I say is mine, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You provide me with invisible and visible angels to accompany and help me throughout my life, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You are always with me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You never leave me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You never forget me, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You wanted to create me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You created me to enjoy You, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You give me courage, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You help me lift my daily crosses, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You healed the wounds of my soul and my body, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You are the One who showed Yourself to me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You promised me Heaven, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You fill me with hope, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You wipe away every tear from my eyes, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You hear my prayers, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You pray and intercede for me before the Father, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You hear the prayers that are made for my needs, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are my Good Shepherd, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You have a sweet and humble Heart, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are my dear Father, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are my greatest Friend, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are the Divine Beloved of my soul, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You chose me for You, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You have mercy on me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You comfort me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You make me happy, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You have compassion on me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You understand me much more than I understand myself, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You lead me to Heaven, my country, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are preparing a place for me in Heaven, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You know everything about me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You know what is in my heart, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You know how much I want to love You, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You know that I am sorry for my sins, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You know the intentions I had and have, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You gave me the Church as my Mother, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You gave me the Sacraments, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You feed me with Yourself, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You are everything for me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are everything I long for, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You fill my heart completely, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You choose the best for my soul, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You guide me, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You rejoice with me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You cry with me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You take care of me in everything, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You give me all your attention, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You cherish me as your own, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You embrace me and keep me close to Your Heart, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You know when I sleep and when I wake up, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You know my thoughts from afar, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You know all my plans, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You know all my problems, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You know the fears I have, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You prepare a future full of hope for me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are already where I still want to be, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You chose the best moment and place for me to be born and live, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You chose the best moment and way for me to leave this valley of tears, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You open doors for me that I need to pass through, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You close doors that will be harmful for me, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You are my Peace that the world cannot give me, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You are my true Joy that never ends, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are the Way, the Truth and the Life, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are my Light and Salvation, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are my Refuge, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are the Resurrection and the Life, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You know what to do with me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You know me, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You gave me Yourself, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You gave me Your Mother as my Mother, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You gave me your holy friends as my friends, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You know all my efforts, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You know all my desires, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You know my dreams, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You know what worries me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You know what grieves me, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You care about me and everything that concerns me, I trust You.

Jesus, because You never give up on me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You keep running after me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You love me as I am to make me better than I am, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You always continue to have trust in me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are very generous to me, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You never disappoint me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You never laugh at me, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are the Rest of my soul, mind and heart, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You keep Your Word with me always, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are Faithful and Just, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are all beauty, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are all holy, I trust in You.


Jesus, because You are Who You are, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are All in All, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You promised me to be mine for eternity, I trust in You.

Jesus, because You are worth leaving everything in Your hands and relying on You completely, I trust in You.


What KIND OF FAITH AND TRUST are you choosing to have in THIS KIND OF GOD who can change what He wants when He wants out of love for you if He sees it necessary?





Jesus, even though sadness sometimes overwhelms me in this world, I still trust in You.

Jesus, even though I am not loved as much as I would like, I still trust in You.

Jesus, in spite of the wounds and pains that my fellow human beings have caused me, that sometimes grieve me, I still trust in You.

Jesus, even though some people rejected me and cut me off from them, I still trust in You.

Jesus, even though at times they paid me with evil for the good I tried to do for them, I still trust in You.

Jesus, even though some will never accept me and judge me because I try to proclaim You, I still trust You.

Jesus, despite the weight of this life that sometimes feels like it is weighing me down, I still trust in You.

Jesus, despite sickness, pain, discomfort and various health conditions, I still trust in You.

Jesus, despite the fear about the present and the future, I still trust in You.

Jesus, despite Your silence when I so much want a word from You, I still trust You.

Jesus, even though you let me wait and wait and wait for a long time, I still trust in You.

Jesus, even though sometimes I see nothing but darkness and darkness, I still trust in You.

Jesus, even though I feel a great thirst for You that I know that only You can quench it, I still trust in You.

Jesus, even though I am tormented by the Enemy of my soul who treats me with great hatred, I still trust in You.


Jesus, even though there are moments when I feel depressed, I still trust in You.

Jesus, even though sometimes I feel confused and I don't seem to find answers to my questions, I still trust in You.


Jesus, even though I am weak and often fall back into the same sins, I still trust in You.

Jesus, even though I know that I have many insecurities in my life, I still trust in You.

Jesus, even though one day I will have to go without certain loved ones and certain needs that I currently still have, I still trust in You.


Jesus, even though sometimes I feel like I lose the purpose of living, I still trust in You.

Jesus, even though sometimes I lack the courage and the drive to continue living as You want me to, I still trust You.

Jesus, even though I want to love you but I don't always manage to do it in the best way, I still trust in you.

Jesus, even though sometimes I doubt You and doubt even myself, I still trust You.


Jesus, even though I don't always make the best choices because I am not certain about them, I still trust in You.

Jesus, even though sometimes I am tempted to give up completely, I still trust in You.

Jesus, even though sometimes I want I see is best for me than what You permit, I still trust You.


Jesus, even though most of the times I don't understand you, I still trust in you.

Jesus, even though I don't approve of what you sometimes permit, I still trust in You.


Jesus, even though Your ways are far from my ways, I still trust in You.

Jesus, even though Your thoughts are far from mine, I still trust You.

Jesus, even though I will never be the same level of your Mind and Heart, I still trust in You.

Yes, Jesus, even though I will never get to understand You properly on this earth, I will still trust You.


ONLY YOU deserve a kind of blind, complete and unreserved trust because You are GOD-LOVE and everything you do is an action of love. With Your help, I want to keep trusting You AT ALL TIMES!


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